View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001742Chrono Download ManagerEnhancementpublic2017-08-08 12:15
Reporterdnizmirc Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformDesktopOSWindowsOS Version10
Product Version0.9.3 
Summary0001742: No way to disable Pop-Up image that signals a file was added
DescriptionI have another extension that instantly saves a picture when I click an image and drag. This allows me to browse galleries and quickly save a lot of pictures very quickly.

However, every time a file is added to the download list, it pops up that down-pointing arrow image (Filename newd.png). VERY often, it happens to pop up right under my mouse when I go to click/drag a new picture. (Or even when right-click save-as very quickly). This results in me not always saving a picture I wanted to, and instead getting a bunch of duplicate arrow images.

I've looked through the extension settings, and I've tried removing newd.png. I've tried editing it to only be 1x1 pixel. This works really well in the short term, but after a bit, any removal or modification results in the chrome marking the extension as corrupt and disabling it. Then I have to repair (i.e, reinstall and reconfigure the extension everytime).

Ultimately, I simply want an option to disable that popup image. I prefer watching chromes download shelf at the bottom to verify a file was added/downloaded.
Steps To ReproduceSave a lot of pictures/files in a short period of time, I suppose?
Additional InformationUltimately, I simply want an option to disable that popup image. I prefer watching chromes download shelf at the bottom to verify a file was added/downloaded.
TagsNo tags attached.
Chrome Version59.0.3071.115




2017-08-08 12:15


2017-08-08_110548.png (15,834 bytes)   
2017-08-08_110548.png (15,834 bytes)   

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-08-08 12:15 dnizmirc New Issue
2017-08-08 12:15 dnizmirc File Added: 2017-08-08_110548.png