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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001985Chrono Download ManagerBugpublic2024-11-23 23:29
Reportermichpli Assigned Toadmin  
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Summary0001985: Help Needed: Folder Structure Based on URL for Downloaded Files
DescriptionDear Chrono Team,

I hope this email finds you well.

I am reaching out regarding a feature I am trying to use in Chrono Download Manager but am struggling to configure correctly. Here is my use case:

I would like to download multiple files from different folders on a website and have them saved in folders on my computer that match the folder structure of the URLs. For example:

Input URLs:
Desired Output:
I tried using [subdirs]/*name*.*ext* in the naming mask field, but the files are all being saved into a folder named [subdirs], instead of creating the desired directory structure based on the URLs.

I would appreciate any guidance on how to configure Chrono to achieve this, or if it’s currently not supported, whether such functionality might be added in a future update.

Thank you for your time and for creating such a useful tool!

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,

TagsNo tags attached.
Chrome Version130.0.6723.117




2024-11-23 07:16

administrator   ~0000465

Hello, all fields in the naming mask need to be put in between **, so in your case, you can try *subdirs*/*name*.*ext*


2024-11-23 07:31

reporter   ~0000466

It works! Thank you so much!


2024-11-23 23:28

administrator   ~0000468

No problem!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-17 04:14 michpli New Issue
2024-11-23 07:16 admin Note Added: 0000465
2024-11-23 07:16 admin Assigned To => admin
2024-11-23 07:16 admin Status new => feedback
2024-11-23 07:31 michpli Note Added: 0000466
2024-11-23 07:31 michpli Status feedback => assigned
2024-11-23 23:28 admin Note Added: 0000468
2024-11-23 23:29 admin Status assigned => resolved
2024-11-23 23:29 admin Resolution open => no change required