View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001986Chrono Download ManagerEnhancementpublic2024-12-01 07:06
Reporterstoltzyplus Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformDesktopOSChrome OSOS Version-
Product Version0.12.2 
Target Version0.13.0Fixed in Version0.13.0 
Summary0001986: Tool tips on hover
DescriptionIt's pretty standard to have tool tips show up under buttons that tell you what the button does. The Chrono buttons along the top are just icons and he icons don't tell you enough about what they do, which is needed for new users. When I hover over any of the buttons there, no tool tip to show me the textual name of the action. This would be very helpful to have.
TagsNo tags attached.
Chrome Version130.0.6723.117


has duplicate 0001966 closed Please provide help text and tooltips to explain the function of toolbar buttons 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-18 13:13 stoltzyplus New Issue
2024-11-23 23:32 admin Target Version => 0.13.0
2024-11-23 23:32 admin Relationship added has duplicate 0001966
2024-12-01 07:03 admin Fixed in Version => 0.13.0
2024-12-01 07:04 admin Status new => resolved
2024-12-01 07:06 admin Resolution open => fixed