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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001992Chrono Download ManagerBugpublic2025-02-01 00:30
ReporterPB Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformDesktopOSWindowsOS Version10
Product Version0.13.0 
Summary0001992: Manager Has Shaded Gray Over It
DescriptionVersion actually 0.13.2

Browser: Brave

Since today, when I access the manager either as standalone pop-up or in the browser, there is a shaded gray screen covering it which locks the manager or prevents me from using the manager. The gray screen appears after the popup notification regarding cookies (which also first appeared today), and sometimes this notification does not show up but the shading locking manager does. Clicking "read more" "accept" or "show more details" for this Cookie Notification has no effect on the gray shading. Turning the extension off and then on again did not resolve issue. I tried re-installing the extension and during the first use the problem disappeared but when I reopened the manager the problem reappeared again and has not resolved itself.
Steps To ReproduceProblem reoccurs whenever I reopen manager either as pop-up or as a browser tab.
TagsNo tags attached.
Chrome VersionBrave Version 1.73.101 Chromium: 131.0.6778.139 (Official Build) (64-bit)




2024-12-18 02:14

reporter   ~0000470

When I open the Options Page in the browser, I see "cookie preferences" in the "About" tab in the menu. Clicking on "cookie preferences" leads to the locked gray screen for the options page which only goes away if I refresh back to the options page, and not chrome-extension://mciiogijehkdemklbdcbfkefimifhecn/ui/options.html#about. I cannot change cookie preferences there either to see if this resolves the issue with the grey shading that locks the page up.


2024-12-18 02:29

reporter   ~0000471

Also, in Manager, if I don't click on the cookies preferences notification quickly enough, it disappears by itself, but the locking grey shading remains.


2024-12-26 18:40

reporter   ~0000472

Updated to 0.13.3 -- cookie option no longer present in options menu or as a pop up in download manager, but I still have a gray shaded screen covering the manager that prevents me from accessing the manager tools. Can anyone assist?


2024-12-26 18:44

reporter   ~0000473

This is what it looks like.
Chrono DM.JPG (253,494 bytes)   
Chrono DM.JPG (253,494 bytes)   


2024-12-26 18:47

reporter   ~0000474

Correction: The cookies preferences/option is still present in the "about" section of the menu and as a popup in the manager, and the same original problem with the gray shading seems to be related to that still.


2024-12-26 19:13

reporter   ~0000475

After I press the "cookie preferences" in the "About" tab of the menu this is what it looks like.
Chrono DM 1.JPG (60,352 bytes)   
Chrono DM 1.JPG (60,352 bytes)   


2024-12-27 00:58

reporter   ~0000476

Tried reinstalling again. Problem does not show up with the first opening of download manager in a separate window, which happens automatically the install. However, if the window is closed, or I attempt to open the download manager as a tab, the problem appears with each successive opening of download manager. So I have to continually reinstall the extension in order to have access to the Download Manager.


2025-02-01 00:30

reporter   ~0000478

This issue with 0.13.3 appears to have resolved itself, possibly thanks to the latest Brave update.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-18 01:48 PB New Issue
2024-12-18 02:14 PB Note Added: 0000470
2024-12-18 02:29 PB Note Added: 0000471
2024-12-26 18:40 PB Note Added: 0000472
2024-12-26 18:44 PB Note Added: 0000473
2024-12-26 18:44 PB File Added: Chrono DM.JPG
2024-12-26 18:47 PB Note Added: 0000474
2024-12-26 19:13 PB Note Added: 0000475
2024-12-26 19:13 PB File Added: Chrono DM 1.JPG
2024-12-27 00:58 PB Note Added: 0000476
2025-02-01 00:30 PB Note Added: 0000478